Premium Rate Service
The Premium Rate Service (PRS) enables an IPRN Provider to be assigned one or more International Premium Rate Numbers (IPRN), which allow PRS callers to access information and other services.
For these calls, callers are charged at a premium rate. Detailed charging and accounting principles are defined in the caller party operator plan for international calls.
In some cases, callers may need prior subscription to IPRS with the IPRS originating ROA and/or with the ISP.
Through the availability of IPRN, a wide range of products offered by service providers from one country can be made available to callers in another country.
Examples of such products could include:

Access to recorded information services (speech, facsimile or data)

Access to interactive services (speech, facsimile or data)

Access to promotions, competitions and opinion surveys.

Remove the necessity of invoicing customers

Allowing you to take payment directly from the call

Immediate billing and real time

Mobile available payment

Good solution for microbilling